Sunday, August 13, 2023

Weight Loss

I have been struggling with my weight for all of my adult life.  I have tried many diets, both fads and medically supervised, with nothing to show for my efforts.  I realize that my habits contribute to this problem, but recently I have been having more trouble walking due to my knees hurting me.  It has gotten to the point that I have to walk carefully as I am afraid that I will fall due to the instability.  So, back in January, I made the decision to pursue weight loss surgery.  I have worked through the steps, and my surgery date is September 6, 2023.  I have elected to have a Roux-en-Y bypass because it has the lowest rate of regain.  I have found protein drinks that I like to get in my 90 grams daily post-op, and I have a 64-ounce Stanley water bottle to help me keep up with my fluid intake.  I will post my measurements in a later entry, along with my current weight and a recent picture.  For now, here is a picture of when I was close to my highest weight of 317 pounds.   

So, this is another thing you may see here, the documentation of my journey to a smaller size and the ultimate goal of having my knees replaced. but, for now, goodbye.